Do you ever find yourself blindsided by unexpected expenses that aren’t covered by your home or auto insurance? Imagine having a safety net for those expensive breakdowns or unpleasant surprises. The new home and auto protection plans available at Arnold Insurance Agency may be just what you need.
Picture this: you’re struggling to cover your home or auto deductible when filing a claim. Or maybe your car needs costly mechanical repairs, your washing machine or refrigerator suddenly stops working, or you get locked out of your car or house. Maybe the kids accidentally break a window during a backyard baseball game, or you need to temporarily relocate due to flooding in your home. These new protection plans can reimburse you for all these situations and more.*
Options available:
All Vehicle Protection Plan—Benefit from deductible reimbursement (up to $1,000 per loss), repair reimbursement, emergency travel, ID theft restoration, and more. All for just $159 annually.
Home Protection Plan—Get coverage for deductible reimbursement (up to $2,500 per loss), glass breakage, lockout, appliance/electronic repair, and emergency lodging. Also only $159 annually.
Bundle BOTH plans for just $299 and save $19.
With prices this low, a single claim can often recoup your entire investment!
With higher insurance deductibles and rising costs, paying for repairs can be challenging. These protection plans are designed to help bridge the gap, offering peace of mind when you need it most. Enrolling is a breeze, and you can start taking advantage of the benefits after a 30-day waiting period post-enrollment.
Scan the QR code below, use this link, or call us at 800.658.0515 with any questions or to enroll today.
*Limits may apply.